Roman Moriceau
Group show "The ideal genre"
Commissioned by Nicolas Surlapierre
Co-curated by Yuan-Chih Cheng, Anaïs Linares, Margaut Segui and the teams at MAC VAL
MAC VAL, France
With the participation of Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc, Boris Achour, Etel Adnan, Roy Adzak, Dove Allouche, Pierre Ardouvin, Bianca Argimón, Arman, Étienne Armandon, François Arnal, Kader Attia, Bertille Bak, Gilles Barbier, Éric Baudart, Valérie Belin, Frédéric Benrath, Julien Berthier, Amélie Bertrand, Étienne Bossut, Halida Boughriet, Anne Brégeaut, Brognon
Rollin, Elina Brotherus, Mark Brusse, Alain Bublex, Pierre Buraglio, Damien Cabanes, Ali Cherri, Claude Closky, Philippe Cognée, Pascale Consigny, Pascal Convert, François-Xavier Courrèges, Olivier Debré, Anne Deguelle, Benjamin Demeyere, Quentin Derouet, Daniel Dezeuze, Noël Dolla, François Dufrêne, Éric Duyckaerts, Erró, Sylvie Fanchon, Malachi Farrell, Philippe Favier, Valérie Favre, Clara Fontaine, Jakob Gautel, Ara Güler, Claire Hannicq, Laura Henno, Suzanne Husky, Neïla Czermark Ichti, Pierre Joseph, Valérie Jouve, Piotr Kowalski, Carlos Kusnir, Denis Laget, Laura Lamiel, Ange Leccia, Rainier Lericolais, Élodie Lesourd, Philippe Mayaux, Mathieu Mercier, Annette Messager, Olivier Millagou, Lahouari Mohammed Bakir, Jacques Monory, Roman Moriceau, Morvarid K, Jean-Luc Moulène, Netto, Jean- Christophe Norman, Antoinette Ohannessian, Vincent Olinet, ORLAN, Lucien Pelen, Laurent Pernot, Bruno Perramant, Françoise Pétrovitch, Éric Poitevin, Daniel Pommereulle, Présence Panchounette, Laure Prouvost, Enrique Ramírez, Judit Reigl, Germaine Richier, Gwen Rouvillois, Alain Séchas, Régis Sénèque, Bruno Serralongue, Société Réaliste, Daniel Spoerri, Peter Stämpfli, Nathalie Talec, Tsuneko Taniuchi, Barthélémy Toguo, Roland Topor, Patrick Tosani, Thu-Van Tran, Agnès Varda, Emmanuelle Villard, Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Catherine Viollet, Hugh Weiss...
20 years of MAC VAL
The museum where the future has already begun
Chronicle of an exhibition
20 years ago, the department of Val-de-Marne inaugurated its museum, the MAC VAL. This anniversary is an opportunity to confirm the quality of the museum’s heritage, a unique collection that is the fruit of over forty years of remarkable, expertly judged acquisitions. It is also an opportunity to reaffirm the expression of a museum that has remade itself and is open to the future.
This new hanging devised by the curatorial team is the result of a wide-reaching process whereby the selection of works to be displayed to the public was conceived in an unprecedented, collegial way, involving all the museum teams. Their choices, debates and selections were put forward in open workshops full of passion, conviction, enjoyment and, finally, agreement. Visitors will have the pleasure of discovering or rediscovering emblematic works from the collection. The display is designed to evoke the memories, emotions and discoveries that we have shared over the twenty years years of MAC VAL’s existence so far.
According to Nicolas Surlapierre
“Le genre idéal is therefore an open-door exhibition that brought together everyone at the museum who wanted to take part, who wanted to play with this parody of the heritage business. The participatory workshops made the porosity and instability of genre and subject hierarchies immediately perceptible [...] At a time of undeniable societal change, why should we hold on to classifications in art, and in the end who, among the artists, critics and visitors, really wants to hold on to them? Might it not be possible to find another way of classifying? Do we really believe in the principles of equivalence? In the end, isn’t it really rather the desire to rediscover inviolable subjects which will of course be treated very differently that adds nuance to the supposedly iconoclastic nature of contemporary art?“