Group show
"Immortelle" offers an ambitious panorama of young French figurative painting. For the first time, the exhibition is organized in two parts and will be held in two spaces.
At the MO.CO., emblematic artists of the French scene, born from 1970 to the early 80s, will be presented. The generous and sensitive exhibition intends to pay homage to painting, in its physical, materialist, erotic and romantic part.
At the MO.CO. Panacée, the new generation of the mid-80s and 90s offers a plural vision of the future of figurative painting through a revisitation of the great traditional genres mixed with the contribution of contemporaneity and conceptual issues.
MO.CO. Panacée
Exhibition from March 11 to May 7, 2023
14 rue de l'Ecole de Pharmacie, Montpellier