"Allez Allez"
After being the name of a famous Belgian funk band in the 80s, Allez Allez! is an exhibition which, as its name suggests, aims to take the viewer on a "total" installation, mixing disciplines and exploring the boundaries between art and music, between the collection and the scientific census, between France and Belgium...
Curator: Juan d'Oultremont
With works by:Francis Alÿs, Eric Angenot, Chloe Arrouy, Angélique Aubrit, Stephan Balleux, Manon Bara, Anastasia Bay, Marcel Berlanger, Charlotte Beaudry, Ludovic Beillard, Ben, Jean-Baptiste Bernadet, Karina Bisch, Lisa Blas, Sébastien Bonin, Michael Boremans, Anne Bossuroy, Aline Bouvy, Déborah Bowmann, Stephane Calais, Sébastien Capouet, Michiel Ceulers, Nicolas Chardon, Jacques Charlier, Ethel Coppieters, Gwendal Coulon, Pascal Courcelles, François Curlet, Michael Dans, Ronny Delrue, Robert Devriendt, Clémence Didion, Cheryl Donegan, Matthias Dornfeld, Arpaïs Du Bois, Gregory Durviaux, Bernard Gilbert, Tina Gillen, Joris Ghekiere, Manor Grunewald, Kati Heck, Gauthier Hubert, Benjamin Installé, Richard Jackson, Alice Janne, Djos Janssens, Viviane Klagsbrun, Nicolas Kozakis, Remi Lambert, Jacques Lennep, Thomas Lerooy, Erik Lindman, Arthur Lingeon, Annick Lizein, Lizène, Emilio Lopez-Menchero, Adrien Lucca, Fiona Mackay, Stephanie Maeseele, Valérie Mannaerts, Julien Meert, Jean-Luc Moerman, Nancy Moreno, Xavier Noiret- Thomé, Betty Tompkins, Victoria Palacios, Sébastien Pauwels, Etiennette Plantis, Benoit Platéus, Emmanuelle Quertain, Robert Quint, Assunta Ruocco, Marc Rossignol, Kurt Ryslavy, Fabrice Samyn, Franck Scurti, Helmut Stallaert, Robert Suermondt, Walter Swennen, Boris Thiébaut, Diego Thielemans, Dominique Thirion, Pierre Toby, Cléo Totti, Tom Valckenaere, Michael Van den Abeele, Jan Van Imschoot, Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven, Bernard Villers, Tinus Vermeersch, Pieter Vermeersch, Ane Vester, Angel Vergara, Léon Wuidar, Yves Zurstrassen…

Anastasia Bay
Mussorgsky, 2022
Acrylic and oil on canvas
80 x 70 cm / 31 1/2 x 27 1/2 inches